Nandos Dagbandoo Artist Prayer Official Video

Cojo Wan

 Many Rappers or song writers finds it difficult to blend up their local languages with English when they want to produce accurate contents in their songs. 

But it's just a mare understanding to the REAL RAP KING, A.K.A DAGBANDOO (DE NANDOS). It's another new song entitled ARTIST PRAYER. In these masterpiece song, he blended/mixed his local dailect (Dagbanli) with English, But still makes sense and know what his talking about. 

I cant move further without telling you the meaning and the local meaning of ARTIST PRAYER as he meant it. According to the understanding of DAGBANLI, ARTIST PRAYER is simply means "BAANGI SUHUGU" But in the white man's understanding, ARTIST PRAYER is known to be the PRAYER OF A MUSICIAN OR A CELEBRITY. 

I believe you may got me wrong, for that matter below is video for the official released song.

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